School of Languages at XJTLU Conference 2024
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We find ourselves at a pivotal moment where the role of generative AI and other technological tools is reshaping the way we teach and learn languages. The question that lies before us is not whether these innovations will shape the future, but rather how we, as educators, will harness their potential to create meaningful and effective language instruction.
The title of our conference, No Fate: The Future is Not Set, underscores our belief that the future is not predetermined. We hope that our conference will serve both as a platform for collaboration and a catalyst for change as it is via the collective effort of educators, researchers, and innovators that the trajectory of language teaching and learning will be determined. By fostering collaboration, sharing insights, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible, we can shape the future of language education.

Sunday, June 2 • 11:30 - 12:00
The passive avoidance in collocations by Spanish learners in Chinese universities and pedagogical reflection

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准固定语同自由词组、固定词组一起构成了语言的短语体系。偏向性、频率度和自由度是准固定语区别于其他两类词组的三个重要参数。正确且灵活使用准固定语是文本精准、文采斐然的重要前提,是优秀外语专业人才应该具备的语言能力,更是人工智能时代外语专业人士的专业素养。学习者在语言表达上出现词汇贫乏、选词怪异、结构冗杂等现象其实跟消极回避使用准固定语有关联。本文用AntConc对中国西班牙语学习者语料库 (CACE)八级写作库3842份赋码样本进行分析,认识学生在句法型、功能型和词汇型准固定语中的消极回避现象,分析现象背后的原因。我们希望在今后的教学中能更好地引导国内西班牙语学习者关注准固定语,减少消极回避,逐渐提高西班牙语表达质量,提升语言美感。


Ni Li

Dalian University of Foreign Languages

Sunday June 2, 2024 11:30 - 12:00 CST
IA 107