School of Languages at XJTLU Conference 2024
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We find ourselves at a pivotal moment where the role of generative AI and other technological tools is reshaping the way we teach and learn languages. The question that lies before us is not whether these innovations will shape the future, but rather how we, as educators, will harness their potential to create meaningful and effective language instruction.
The title of our conference, No Fate: The Future is Not Set, underscores our belief that the future is not predetermined. We hope that our conference will serve both as a platform for collaboration and a catalyst for change as it is via the collective effort of educators, researchers, and innovators that the trajectory of language teaching and learning will be determined. By fostering collaboration, sharing insights, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible, we can shape the future of language education.

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Bin Feng

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Associate Language Lecturer
Bin Feng (Max) is a passionate and dedicated EFL teacher. He currently works at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University as an Associate Language Lecturer. With a Master's degree in Translation and Interpreting, Max leverages his fluency in both Chinese and English to foster a dynamic, inclusive learning environment. As a language education researcher in the early stages of his career, he is strongly interested in empowering language learners to be self-driven, confident, and responsive to issues both in their local communities and the wider world.